Anne Phung Nguyen
Anne Phung Nguyen. Hello! I'm Anne Phung Nguyen. A Vietnamese American entrepreneur who lives with her amazing husband JP at Orange County California. Henry is a very happy and lucky dad. I am most well-known through my Instagram page @annephung. Here I tell my tale of highs, lows and everything in-between. I came to America with my parents and brother in 1990 when I was 1 1/2 years old. older. I wouldn't be now sharing my story to you, if not because my parents are devoted to hard work and sacrifice. My parents inspired me and helped me become successful. My mind had a plan for life. Go to college and get a degree. Get married. Buy a house. Have kids. My idea of success was to go to college after graduation, and then find an employment in a corporation. After that, I'd marry to buy a home and have kids. However, life was not so sure. In 2013, I found I disliked my corporate position. Even though the compensation and position was good but I did not feel that the work was satisfying. Instead I felt that I was simply doing nothing but wasting time. While navigating my way to a new direction in my career, I found that I was supposed to become an instructor. I was a fan of exercising, I enjoyed being social and I enjoy helping people. This year I will celebrate the 7th year anniversary of my business. In 2014, I started my own business. There are very few Asian women have a job in the world of fashion. As an instructor, my aim is to motivate people to lead a healthy and fulfilled life through creating healthy and sustainable living styles that meet the individual's goals and needs. I also strive to empower others to go after their goals and achieve whatever they would like to achieve in their lives. In the beginning of my profession, the loss of my mother was the biggest hit to my personal life. She has won the eight-year fight with Scleroderma. She is now resting in Heaven, and I remain close to her in my heart. It's incredible how life will teach us the exact instruction we require, even if we aren't aware of it. The loss of my mother changed me so much and I believe she gave me a second chance at life. On Tet/Lunar New Year Day, she passed away. It was now time for her to move on into her new chapter, as well as my opportunity to lead an authentic and satisfying life. In my 30's, it is the first moment that I feel as if I'm living my life. My story is made available to me so that I may be able to share my stories and thoughts. This will help you know you're not alone. You're capable of accomplishing anything you wish in your life. Therapy is vital and normal. Health is the greatest asset. There is only one chance to live. I wish you to enjoy it to the max.

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